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奔驰G55AMG Kompressor车辆召回

2005年09月12日 00:00    信息来源:国家质检总局

2005年9月9日,梅赛德斯-奔驰中国有限公司按照《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》的要求,向国家质量监督检验检疫总局递交了召回报告,拟召回在2004 年4 月至2005 年4 月期间生产的G55 AMG Kompressor 车辆,在中国相关涉及车辆为五辆。

厂牌 Brand

梅赛德斯 - 奔驰 Mercedes-Benz

车型 Vehicle Type

乘用车 Passenger car

型号 Model Type

G55 AMG Kompressor (W463)

VIN 范围

VIN Numbers Range

WDB 463270 1X 156656

WDB 463270 1X 156703

WDB 463270 1X 158554

WDC 463271 1X 158434

WDC 463271 1X 159310

Production Date

2004 年 4 月至 2005 年 4 月
April 2004 to April 2005

Affected Vehicle Number

5 台车辆
5 vehicles

缺陷描述 Defect Description

由于不恰当的生产工艺,上述车辆的燃油回油管可能产生裂纹。这些回油管的直径被加热的金属棒从 8mm 扩大到 13mm 。在此制造过程中,回油管内壁可能产生一些微小的裂纹,当承受 AMG 车辆燃油回路的油压时,燃油就有可能从这些裂纹中泄漏。

Cracks may form in the fuel return hose in the specified vehicles due to an unsuitable production process. The hose was widened from 8mm to 13mm on a hot metal rod. In this production step micro-cracks could occur on the inside of the hose which can -when subjected to the fuel pressure of the AMG vehicle's fuel return circuit - lead to fissures in the fuel hose through which fuel may leak out.


Remedial Measures


As a precaution, the fuel return hose and fuel line of the

affected vehicles will be exchanged with a technically modified version. All necessary work will be conducted free of charge to the customer.

改进措施 Improvement Measures

Improved new parts are installed in the vehicles.

Customer Complaint Information

目前在中国未收到相关的事故、伤亡以及 / 或赔偿要求的报告。

No reports about related accidents, casualties and/or compensation claims have been received in China.


Vehicle Owner Notification

2005 年 9 月 15 日之前有效通知所有已知客户;客户可以与离他们最近的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰特许服务中心取得联系并安排免费检查和更换。

All known customers will be effectively notified before 15th September 2005 to contact the authorized MB service centre nearest to them for free inspection and the corresponding free replacements.

梅赛德斯 - 奔驰 G55 AMG Kompressor (W463) 的用户也可以在梅赛德斯 - 奔驰汽车的公司网站 www.mercedes-benz.com.cn 和中国汽车召回网 www.qiche365.org.cn 上获取此次召回的相关信息。 Users of Mercedes-Benz G55 AMG Kompressor (W463) vehicles can obtain information relevant to the recall from the websites of Mercedes-Benz Company: www.mercedes-benz.com.cn and the China Auto Recall Website: www.qiche365.org.cn


Other Information


Hotline of manufacturer: 010-65906668 转 3721

如果要了解汽车召回的详细情况或对汽车召回有任何疑问,请登录中国汽车召回网( www.qiche365.org.cn ), 或拨打缺陷产品管理中心的热线电话: 010-65537365 。

If you have further questions or need further information about the vehicle recall, please go to the China Auto Recall Website (www.qiche365.org.cn), or call the hotline of the Recall Management Centre 010-65537365.
